Ecotrust Building Wedding Photography

Melissa and Adam hosted their wedding during a beautiful day at the Ecotrust Building in Portland’s Pearl District. When I arrived to scout in the morning, I glimpsed Adam up on the rooftop of the Ecotrust Building with his dad while they were setting up. When he saw me he hollered down a cheerful greeting with a huge grin and waved his arm emphatically in the air. It’s hard to describe, but there was so much joy, an almost childlike enthusiasm, behind that wave that it put a big grin on my face as well. When I later met Melissa in her getting ready room at a nearby hotel, I described the way Adam greeted me, and she exclaimed endearingly, “Yep, that’s Adam!” Later in the evening while I was taking photos of Melissa and Adam going through the buffet line, Melissa turned to me and said that I should put my camera down, hop in line and get some food, too, and Adam quickly replied, “That’s so Melissa!” These were both small moments but I love how they almost mirrored each other and said a lot about Melissa and Adam’s personalities and relationship. Suffice it to say, that they were both incredibly compassionate people who wear their hearts on their sleeves and I think that it will serve them well  in the future. 🙂 — KC










































































































































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